非洲海外仓(喀麦隆仓)服务▪ 提供中国至喀麦隆保税区海外仓服务 ▪ 耕耘非洲物流11年,全力助推中喀跨境电商物流发展,仓库位于喀麦隆经济中心城市杜阿拉,地理位置优越,配送辐射范围广 ▪ 义乌集货仓每周装载2-5个高箱,支持一件代发,无论货物数量多少,准时出运;服务超过300家客户,体量大,拼箱速度快,清关能力强,到港时间有保障 ▪ 强大IT系统软件支持+专业服务团队,清清楚楚交付您的每一件货物 ▪ 全程管家式服务,支持目的港等通知放货、代收货款、代收运费、回款、买家资信调查摸排、翻译、喀麦隆全国派送、中非乍得转关派送等服务。 In accordance with the operating regulations of the Vridi Container Terminal and the provisions of the ISPS Code, Abidjan Terminal provides the following services receipt and delivery of containers for import, transhipment and export; control, storage, container monitoring on the container yard; unloading and loading of container vessels, including shifting and transhipment of containers; providing information and documents associated with interested parties; maintenance of the infrastructure and tools of the container terminal.